Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hooiser Hysteria

  1. 1.
    a native or inhabitant of Indiana.

Hooiser Hysteria is the state of excitement surrounding basketball in Indiana. Every year Indiana residents experience "Hooiser Hysteria". Indiana is  known for producing AH-MAZE-ING basketball players. It might just be in our blood. 

Sadly, this year Indiana wasn't represented in NCAA's basketball tournament. That hasn't stopped us Hooisers from filling out our brackets or cheering on Kentucky and Michigan (if we chose them in our brackets). 

We at Almost Gemini wanted to keep the Indiana spirit alive. 

This is our Indiana wall of fame! Indiana designs by Indiana friends! 

Sis and I met the VERY talented Lindsay Clark at last year's ReStyled Barn Sale. She is the AH-MAZE-ING artist behind Seven Lemons. When we saw this particle piece of art we already had the "Indiana wall" idea in our heads and knew this would be PERFECT! 

"This is HOME". Indiana is our home and this print by United State of Indiana made my heart smile! Of course this frame came of our warehouse but it fit perfectly! Make sure to also check out their website. You MUST check out their t-shirts. They are the softest, cuddliest, shirts! LOVE THEM! 

"The Crossroads of America" is from our darling friend Kris's store. Kris is the owner and master mind behind The Inventorialist. Make sure to check out the store located at 715 Dorman Street, Indianapolis, Indiana. The Inventorialist is open Thursday-Saturday 11-7 and Sundays 12-5

We might not be seeing many flowers yet this spring but we do love our license plates flower. We bought it from our friends at Robb Restyle at last years Hobknob Market. Fingers crossed they will be there with us again in May. 

Sis and I added license plates from the year we were born…..

TAAAAAAAA DAAAA! That is how we roll decorated our Indiana wall. We love it so much, we might just keep it for bit. MIGHT! 

I don't think I have ever been out of control.- Former Indiana University basketball coach Bobby Knight 

I don't think I have either Coach Knight!


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spring is Clean?!

Spring cleaning is not for wussies! I can’t help be breathe a sigh of relief as, bag after bag heads out to Goodwill or Julian Center. I’ve had so much to recycle, I had to sneak stuff into the neighbor's bins!

How all this stuff ever fit in our house AH-MAZES me?! Sometimes, I think it’s a talent. Most times, I think it’s a curse. Maybe...I’m cursed with a talent? Nahhhh


One thing that a clean house has brought to my attention, is our desperate need for new flooring. DESPERATE NEED! I’m 100% over carpet and 100% into laminate. I felt the need to “Ohhh” and “Ahhh” over flooring!

I searched for laminate flooring and stumbled upon BuildDirect reviews from TrustPilot. As an avid review writer myself, I love to check out what people that have actually dealt with the company say. Since the reviews looked good, I drifted away into "I wish I had these floors" land AKA  search them on Pinterest.  

What I fell in love with....

source of my dream kitchen
I want this flooring but would settle for the ENTIRE kitchen! (I just realized I REALLLLLLY want to paint my kitchen cabinets white!) I LOVE LOVE LOVE how they painted the far back cabinet that AH-MAZE-ING blue. The simple lime green stripped rug, yes please. 

source of awesomeness
I love a great room! So simple, so clean, so different then my house! I love dark wood and with black furniture. That is exact opposite for my house now but maybe one day! 

One more...Ohhhh la la! 

Source of Ohhhh la la! 

I love this color flooring with grey and cream. It's so fresh and crisp which reminds me of spring! 

Sadly, the house isn't cleaning itself! Sis thinks I'm "playing on pinterst" (I call it working)!

The day I worry about cleaning my house is the day Sears comes out with a riding vacuum cleaner.

I can't believe they don't make riding vacuums!


Friday, March 14, 2014

The Dadster and Dates

A face only a daughter could love. :) 

I'm blessed. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't tell myself (and anyone else that will listen or act like they are listening) I AM BLESSED. The Dadster is one of my favorite reasons!

This weekend we get to celebrate the man, the myth, the legend. KVU aka "The Dadster"'s birthday is Saturday. He will be turning (I'm not telling) so it's time to celebrate! What better then the "Irish" way.

We can wear our green and eat cake too! Here is the U fam celebrating last year!

After we drink our green beer we have little time to be hungover before we get into "market mode". Have you been wondering where we will be? WONDER NO MORE!

In April we are going to be part of the first "The Southside Vintage Marketplace" Join us April 12th from 9am-4pm

We will be heading back to Danville, IL in May for Hobnob Spring Market. 

Join us May 9th for the "Fresh Picked Party" aka first bids on the awesomeness. OR on May 10th you can treasure hunt all day!

June is ALWAYS a big month for AG. It's Birthdays, Buffet (Jimmy) and a barn sale. We will once again be part of Restyled barn sale.

Don't forget to stop by their store and pick up some of our "grandma's lotion". It's the best!

July we will be back at Horton's of Tipton for the French Flea Market..Stay tuned for more details on that.

 I'm sure there is more but I got to run! I have one more part of the dadsters b-day present I need to pick up!

May the sun shine, all day long, everything go right, and nothing wrong. May those you love bring love back to you, and may all the wishes you wish come true!

Irish Birthday Blessing 


Monday, March 3, 2014

Flying, Coach, Because I Said I Would

Mama and The Dadster are home from Florida! As a "Thank you for not burning the house down" gift they brought me a sweet little Coach clutch. I know what you are wondering and YES this is an actual reason to give me a gift. I once (on accident) started a small, YET CONTAINED fire while I was house sitting. 


In the words of Stevie Wonder...."Isn't She Lovely,It's she beautiful"! You know I love my pink (and my coach purses)! 

I am basically carrying around (coach) luggage as a purse right now. I think my shoulders and back cracked in delight at this little lady but I had to down size. 

What is in my bag? I ALWAYS have 
One pair of prescription glasses (in a case)
One pair of prescription sunglasses (in a case)
Contact lenses
Nail clippers
Enough medicine to supply a nursing home 
8-10 lip glosses
Mascara and
My wallet which is actually a (coach) wristlets 

As I was deciding what trash treasures to keep and which to shred, I stumbled upon something I had cut  tore out of a magazine. Yes, I am that girl. I cut and/or rip out articles, recipes, pictures of cute outfits...whatever. I also still mail said articles/pictures to family/friends or bring into work for a co-workers. If I see something I think you will like or laugh, it's going in my purse. 

A little to late.....

When I was coming home from my last trip, I was reading "Spirit" magazine. I was flying Southwest/Airtran and it's their in flight magazine. I was a little too late because what I was really wanting to read was an article in November 2013 (and this was January 2014). I can honestly and sincerely say, this was the first (and only) time the letters to the editors caught and kept my attention. People were so moved by this November article, I needed to know more. So, I ripped off  out the page and stuck it in my purse with all intentions of "researching" it later. 

"The Every Day Action Hero" was a man named Alex Sheen.  Alex (I'm acting like we are friends and on a first name basis) found the "because i said I would" website/movement in honor of his father.

I like to think I'm a person of my word, which is what made this so interesting to me. It was THAT simple. His message is "a promise made, a promise kept". 

Because I said I would is a social movement and nonprofit organization dedicated to bettering humanity through the power of a promise. To encourage positive change and acts of kindness, we send promise cards to anywhere in the world at no cost. People use these cards to remember the importance of their word, for promises both big and small.

I can't possibly do justice to this movement in my little blog, but encourage everyone to check out Alex's website. Its so simple and so powerful. People make a promise and keep it! Sadly, I sit here mind blown! So many times I hear words that don't mean much (if anything). 

Can you imagine what could be accomplished if everyone did this? People would actually have to be aware and honor their words. Tonight I'm going to make 10 of my own "because I said I would" cards and encourage everyone else to do so too and hope you will share! 

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