Sunday, January 19, 2014

Polar Bear Club and a New Pool

Polar Bear Club, not to be confused with a polar bear cub.

Gratuitous adorable polar bear CUB picture!
This cuddly photo credit goes to...First People- Bear more cub picture...

He really makes the snow look cute! 

Photo Credit 

OH now he fell, so cute! One picture leads to two..I couldn't help myself! SOOO cute but they grow up and not so cuddly!  

photo credit

The Polar Bear Club AKA Polar Bear Plunge is (You know I hate Wikipedia but i can't help siting it)
A polar bear plunge is an event held during the winter where participants enter a body of water despite the low temperature. In the United States polar bear plunges are usually held to raise money for a charitable organization, while in Canada they are associated with New Year's Day.

Photo credit 

I don't know who this girl is. I'm guessing this is what I would look like if I ever did it. My baby cuzzy does this every year. Do I think she is crazy for jumping into freezing cold water? UMMM 
YES. Thousands of people do it and I think they are all EQUALLY crazy! 

On New Years, I like to jump into this pool....

Nice warm, yet refreshing pool! 

SIDENOTE: These pictures have not been retouched. The only editing I did was adding our name! I know, I know you are sick of me saying it. This place is B-E-A-U-TIFUL! 

So this is the point in my blog that you are wondering where it's going?! (I'm right aren't' I?!) Well, I left the above pool in paradise and came home to....

A pool that looks like a polar bear took a plunge! The automatic cover has fallen in, the polar vortex was to much for it to handle. 

The fairly new pavers also took  a dip into the ice cold pool. 

In the words of The Dadster, "Well there isn't anything we can do about it til spring." He is 100% right. (Dadster you have that in writing) There isn't anything we can do...mostly because I'm just house sitting so I'm not actually part of the "we"....

What I can do is offer the rents suggestions of how they could/should rebuild their pool. Except for mama, I spend the most time there. To know me is to know, I always think I should have a opinion in what's going on!  

So I of course went to Pinterest to look for ideas who we can mend our frozen and miffed pool. 

My first thought went to a lazy river...a slide and bridge of sorts. 
Looks like fun, right? It seems like a good idea until you think of the work. It's just to much and the rents would have to add a pool house. They are trying to downsize. Just too much! 

I'm kinda wondering if I can talk mama into adding a "beach" to the pool. It would help keep us cool in the warm and humid Indiana July and August! 

After looking at all kinds of AH-MAZE-ING pools in all kinds of AH-MAZE-ING places. 

This in my favorite one....Home is where your pools is. I still kinda want the "beach" pool. The one with a swim up bar would be a really close second. This time I'm going to have to go with the Dadsters attitude. Even though its broke, we can fix it...(in the spring). 

This is for The Dadster! 

“A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.”
― Carl Reiner



Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Minimal Recap of Christmas

We are back in the sunshine state, soaking up the sun rays! I totally forgot my good camera on the kitchen counter.  I had it next to my bag but I was rushing to catch my ride to the airport and left it!! BOO! At first, I was mad but can one really be mad in paradise? (Answer is NO)

These are camera phone pictures. I'm also using mama's old computer and having trouble editing. I don't think the pics are too shabby but I had to warn you just in case. (It looks like 2014 is year of excuses but I promise it's not!)

This will be our NINTH winter break (5th Christmas) in the Florida Keys. (Wanna read last years blog? Click here.)

We are still keeping and adding to our U family traditions. We are just trying to get it perfect! I can't tell a lie, each year does get better!

Sadly, last year Christmas (blow up palm) tree didn't make it through the holidays.

We had to get a new one. This year we added "Santa shark", a "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree, and new flamingo lights. Ba Ba Ba Ba BAAAAA I'm lovin' it!

Speaking of Charlie Brown Trees I found a Keys version of the tree on my walk the other day....

Charlie Brown's Tree

The Key's Version

Pretty close wouldn't you say! I love the blue colors in both of the pictures! I've been digging blue recently.

The U ladies once again went on a shopping trip. We once again went from Marathon Florida to Ismoralda. It is always a chance for us to finish up our Christmas shopping. 

As per our tradition...we stopped at Lorelei's for lunch. Aren't we cute! ;) The views there are AH-MAZE-ING and the food rocks too! It is a MUST go to place in the Keys.

Once again the U family took the path less traveled for one of our favorite traditions. No Name Pub on Big Pine Key . If you are looking for good food, cold beer, friendly staff, and dollar bills this place if for you!

The front of this years $ 

The backside: Art work done by Sis of course!
This picture is a little on the dark side but you can see the MONEY! This is just ONE wall! I'm telling you the place if FULL of money!

I actually got to get a picture taken with Santa this year. (Without harming any children). We followed Santa's caravan, we went to the Catholic church to see the lights, we walked the seven mile bridge and got to stay an extra week.

Even without my camera I took over 250 pictures. I'm still going through them (and still go through the dadster and mama's anniversary party. I took TOO many pictures.) I'll be sure to make a slide show when I narrow my favors.

I have to tell you 2014 is already a pretty great year! I can't wait to share with you all that we will be up to! Some good, some not so good! ;)

I'm also working on another Keys Condo makeover which you will for sure will have to check back to read! I think I need a sign down here that says...LEAVE WHITE WICKER ALONE! Also I would like to tell people who own the condos, you don't need so much in such small places. I'm think AG's work of 2014 should be the year of minimalism. What do you think?

Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It's your masterpiece after all.”  Nathan W. Morris 

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