Friday, August 9, 2013

Summer Highlights-THUS FAR

These are some of AG summer highlights. I'm not wishing my summer away! Exact opposite, I want it to last forever! So, don't go packing away your whites just yet. I heard that it is O.K. to wear them year around. I'm not a fashion plate so you'll have to ask Joan Rivers or Kelly Osborne.

I still am perplexed on how these two got to be the "fashion police". It looks like Joan is carrying Mr. Snuffleupagus on her arm! 

I used a picture of Snuffy in a tuxedo hat. I like to think of Snuffy as a formal I'm formal, yet I'm here to teach the alphabet!. 

ANNNYYYYHOOOOO, the beginning of the summer was jammed packed with markets.

The last market was Horton's Of Tipton French Flea Market. I know I'm just getting around to these pics but I've been busy...doing...well we will get to that later.

No gonna lie...Sis and I aren't frenchy people but we tried to tie in some french flea market. I picked to add yellow. I've been loving this lamps and can't believe they haven't sold yet. Maybe there is a reason. I shall keep them.

We also brought the brass! I can't believe we didn't sell out! Green glass is always in our displays, its one of our go-to-faves!

The theme was "picnicking in Paris". We had some baskets on display. The Hoosier boy tomatoes is now what I use in my garden!

Gratuitous, tomato picture. Isn't summer without Coco's homegrown tomatoes! FYI: We have made 3 batches of sauce, a couple of fresh salsa, ate more BLTs then we can count and more tomato slices then should be humanly possible.

Back to the show!

Here is most of the display. It was well into the second day that I thought about taking these pics! Opps!

What? Ok you asked for it...more pictures of our "harvests".

Some summer squash, zucchini cucumbers and tomatoes. This is just a normal day at the U house!

Last buy not least....

Cabbage... We still have some leftover. I do like me some coleslaw but I LOVE me some fresh coleslaw! SOOOO GOOOOD!

We don't normal do fruit delivers but when I got a call from a very special man, I had to answer. The man who taught me to farm was at the Luthern Heart Hospital. All he had to do was express his disappointment with the tomatoes on his sandwich and I was there!

ANNNNYYYYTHING for my grandpa! I dropped him off a bag of "$10 tomatoes". (His words...I agree with him)

Up next, my bathroom make-over! I'm done with it, I just need to edit the photos!

I'm also still open for room makeover color suggestions. I have painted my walls, I just need to pick new bedding and accents.

It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato.
Lewis Grizzard 

Back to gardening! 

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